Sunday, December 14, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Final homage

Unfortunatly I lost my pictures so im removing the top two in the post homage 2 and replacing them with these two

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Choice 2 for Photographer

Ansel Adams- I chose Ansel Adams because I really enjoy his work. I love taking and looking at landscape photography. I have been to Yosemite (where this picture was taken) and many other beautiful places and love taking photographs of them. If I choose to pay homage to Ansel Adams I will take landscape photos that try to emulate his work. I really enjoy the black and white style of his work and I will also try to dabble in that realm.

Choice 1 for photographer

Julius Shulman- I chose Julius Shulman for one of my choices for a photographer because I like his style and what he takes pictures of. I like Architectural photography and the way he uses color and lines in his pictures. He uses lines very well and as you can see from this picture you can see the lines of the building run into the lines of the city. I will pay homage to this photographer by taking photos dealing with architecture and by trying to make lines a priority in my photographs.